11 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday #157”

  1. There was a little gasp when I opened this one E. It’s absolutely perfect – the pure soft whiteness of the moth against the crisp green leaf; it’s just one of those photos that speaks to the perfection and purity of nature. Beautifully caught by you.


  2. I agree with the others, Elizabeth. This is lovely — the composition, everything.The moth’s wings seem made of a glowing fabric, and contrast with the deep green leaves. I love that the lines in the wings are echoed in the veins of the leaves. And it’s interesting that rather than zeroing in on the moth, we see in the bottom right a hint of the garden behind–clever use of depth of field.


  3. Isn’t it just the loveliest little winged thing and so beautifully captured, Elizabeth. From the size of the veining in the leaf, it truly must have been a tiny creature. Great eye. Love the contrast between rich greens and delicate white wings. Eye-grabbing editing!


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